T-SPLOST Opponents Call for Repeal of Penalty on Regions that Voted “No”
Oh, this is just PRICELESS!"Hidden penalties" indeed. It's there in the law, plain as day. For Mr. Brown to get all in a wad as if he didn't know... of course, if he didn't know that would mean he had not actually Read The Law, which means that he was proceeding from ignorance, which would...completely explain his position.
It's been amazing to watch this unfold -- I went to a "debate" (actually it was more of a turkey shoot) at the Fulton Co. GOP headquarters in Sandy Springs two weeks ago, and one of the NO people outlined the Tea Party's Plan B which calls for the Transportation Board to be elected (I guess he means "by the people" as opposed to the way they are elected now).
I cannot for the life of me understand just how that would change much, but they think it would - I guess they haven't read SB 200 either.
Oh well. Soldier on we must.
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